Sunday, March 25, 2018

5K Training starts next week

If you are enrolled in the 7 week 5K training program starting Monday evening, April 2nd in Washington Park this might be your first experience with a short distance training program. Even if it is not, you may be wondering what to expect.

First let me introduce myself.  I'm Bill Stokes and I've been running training programs for nearly a decade.  From short distance to marathon's I've seen hundreds of people learn to run, run/walk and walk fast for distances from 5k's to marathons.  I'm a certified Road Running Coach and a CrossFit Trainer.  I will be leading this training and will strive to make this program work for everyone.  

This program is based on the premise that walking is just as valuable as running to achieve your fitness and health goals.  You can burn excess calories and reduce the health risks of inactivity through walking, walking briskly and walk/running.

It's interesting to know that half of the participants in a 5K event, finish the race between 30 and 60 minutes.  Most of these participants are using walking or walk sessions as part of their strategy to get to the finish line.  If you are strictly walking you will probably be finishing between 45 and 60 minutes. By adding some run sessions or race walking sessions during your 5K you can move into the 30 to 45 minute finishing time.  

Regardless of how far you can now walk or walk/run, I'll give you the tools to improve stride, tempo and distance so you can do a 5K by the end of the 7 weeks.  And if that isn't your goal this program will get you moving and get your walking or walk/running program on track.

Before the first meeting take a look at your walking or running shoes.  If they are showing serious wear try to get a new pair before the start of the program.  If they are just slightly worn they should be fine.   Finally consider replacing the inserts in your shoes with a sports insert with arch support.  A good pair costs $10 to $20.  They will help prevent plantar fasciitis and heel pain which are the 2 most common injuries from walking and running on asphalt and concrete.  In case you are wondering many of the newer more expensive running shoes already have that kind of support built in them.

In our first session we will go over some stride tips and then do a session to measure your one mile pace.  We'll finish with some homework assignments. 

If you have any questions let me know.  

See you April 2nd at 5:45 pm on the south side of the tennis courts in Washington Park.

All the best,

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  1. Bill - thanks for doing this. Keep me accountable to stick with it for the full time period. Need to get my foundation underneath me to possibly sign up for a race you put on in the Fall. Realize I literally need to "walk before I run".

  2. You came through as Unknown. What’s your name?
